If you need to share a link to a location on our file server, this guide will help walk you through accomplishing the goal. When creating a link to the server, in Outlook, you'll see a box appear asking for the link:

Head out to your destination on the file server and find the location desired. Right click the folder you'd like to share a link to and select Get Info:

A new window will appear on your screen telling you more information about the folder. Within the information, you'll see an area next to "Server:" This contains the full file path you need to create a new link. Copy it: (Hightlighted to show what to copy).

Once copied, paste the link into the Insert Hyperlink creation window in Outlook and hit OK

You've successfully made a link to a folder location in Outlook. You can also paste these links into Safari (only) and it will load the location for you as well.
If you have any problems or questions, please reach out to the helpdesk@hiebing.com